Warcraft iii frozen throne naga hero
Warcraft iii frozen throne naga hero

Sentinels Campaign: Terror of the Tides – The Night Elf Campaign is the weakest of the 4 campaigns though I’d say it is still challenging and reveals new lore. The reason you win is because of your RTS strategy and how well you play your heroes. Unlike “Brood War” there is so much growth you are a part of and play a part in making possible (Illidan, Kael, Sylvanas, Arthas) that it can’t be ignored. This is a campaign that starts out good and becomes great. Rating the Campaigns – I’m rating each campaign on their own merits. For that I will be grateful for as it gave me casual fun gameplay with “Heroes of the Storm” that I play to this day. This was the precursor to hero gameplay with running units (that was the finale of the “Found of Durotar” campaign). As well as all the pre-cursors like “Defense of the Ancients” which started the whole tower defense gameplay which eventually became it’s own game and also “League of Legends.” This game has had a larger effect on games than many realize. That is all due to characters which “The Frozen Throne” does better in gameplay and writing.ĭOTA and Custom Games – It was out of “The Frozen Throne” that we got one of my favorite games “Heroes of the Storm” that I am still playing.


This is a game I will play again in full, whereas “Reign of Chaos” I will play some missions again but not the full game. Each new growth of character is earned in gameplay and you feel the pressure the character feels. Coming back years later I wasn’t disappointed. Even though I’d beaten the game back in High School, I wanted to see where the story would go. The Characters – I was in this game for the characters and it was the reason I beat the campaign. Each of the characters I mentioned is a different shade of grey, driven by more than simply power. With Sylvanas, Kael, Vashj and Illidan this game did, which is what I’d argue where Blizzard really thrives in storytelling. “Reign of Chaos” enriched the universe but didn’t break any tropes. The World – “Warcraft” has a rich universe and this one introduces “The Forsaken,” “The Naga,” “The Blood Elves,” and “The Illdari.” All these factions get explored further in “World of Warcraft” but the seed is planted here and given justice. The challenge of the campaign improved me as a player and made the victories all the more sweet. I’m curious if “Warcraft Reforged” will take this challenge further. “The Frozen Throne” balanced “Reign of Chaos” in so many ways that it can only be accounted for if you are challenging where you are currently. The Scourge lacked tanks and they got the Crypt Lord, the Horde lacked healing and they got the Shadow Hunter. The Gameplay – The gameplay is more challenging than “A Reign of Chaos” as each unit was granted something that they lacked.

warcraft iii frozen throne naga hero

These are cinematics that mean something and are presented beautifully. The level of detail draws you in and when you see certain reveals whether it is the Naga or Arthas being one with the Lich King when he puts on the helm is powerful. In both cases are characters are making a choice and in playing the game or in living the game up to the point we have, we see the implication of that choice. The fact that we see compelling characters like Illidan and Arthas being the soul focus versus one none evils like Archimonde or Mannoroth shows how this was an upgrade. The Cinematics – The cinematics in this game are so beautiful. The story picks up at the end of “Wacraft III: Reign of Chaos” with Illidan Stormrage summoning the Naga to unknown purposes as his Warden Maiev Shadowsong hunts him to discover his purposes and imprison him once more. The game was released in July 1st 2003 by Blizzard and was written by Chris Metzen and directed by Frank Pearce Jr. It was worth all the replay value and my eventual enjoyment of “Heroes of the Storm,” which I believe rose out of the hero dependent missions and maps you play in the “Bonus Campaign,” “The Founding of Durotar.” This game was a return to what I love about Blizzard gameplay and story at it’s best. This was a game I had bought with my money. This was around the time I beat the first “Diablo” and got all the way to Baal in “Diablo 2” before returning the borrowed game to my friend. When I think Blizzard for me at it’s greatest it is this. I also found myself drawn into the nuance in the story that the initial game lacked. I came back to play it after beating it back in High School and found the challenge level one that grew me as a player. “Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne” is a game that still holds up to this day.

Warcraft iii frozen throne naga hero